THE BASEMENT: A Live Escape Room Experience
What is this?
The Basement is a live Escape Room experience. We specialize in unique and thrilling, heavily themed puzzle solving adventures. Our brave guests are locked inside of a story with the goal of discovering clues and unraveling secrets to solve their way to safety.
What if I get too scared?
If at any time during your experience, you no longer wish to participate, you are welcome to leave your game. We pride ourselves on our empathetic and kind staff who are prepared to assist with any spooked guests. Please note that no refunds or reschedules will be available to guests who tap out of their experience.
Where do I park?
There is a generous amount of parking throughout the West Bottoms.
Are there any age restrictions?
No one under the age of 12 will be admitted. For guests aged 12-17, please see further details on the room reservation pages. There are important steps that must be followed for these underage guests to participate, no exceptions will be made.